Another excellent performance by Winslow this weekend with none of our rinks losing and three winning by very impressive scores.

On a very pleasant afternoon Winslow started very well and at the planned break point of 9 ends we were up 57:20. However the weather had turned a little and rain was looking likely so the Captains agreed that we should skip the tea break and play through in an effort to complete the match before the rain came.

As it turned out it stayed dry all afternoon although it certainly got colder and by the end of the match I think all the players were glad to get into the clubhouse to get warmed up.

The second half of the match was a closer affair with Stan, Rosie and Len winning their last end to secure a hard earned draw and Sarah, Richard and Jef winning a very close game on the final end.

Our highest winning rink was Roger S, Victor and Cliff winning by a very impressive 19 shots. Any other weekend 2 of our other rinks might have expected to win this accolade as both rinks of Norman, Colin & Tony and Sheila C, John Thorogood & John Gilbey won by 11 shots.

All together this gave Winlsow a win 99:59.

Bicester had 2 bowlers playing in their first competitive match. We all know how daunting this is and we hope that they enjoyed themselves and that they go on to play in many matches in the years ahead.

We had out own debutant with Tony playing his fist game for Winslow. Of course Tony has been playing at Wing for many years so not such a daunting task for him as it was for the Bicester newbies and it's great that Tony has started his career with us on a winning rink.

I would like to thank Richard for filling in when Roger P sadly hurt his back so was unable to play. Hopefully Roger will be fit to play next week and more importantly to cut the green in the coming week!

Thanks also to John Jeacock for running the bar, Len and Sarah for preparing the refreshments and to all those to turned up early to help set up the green. Finally thanks to Kay for turning up to support us.

Thanks and well done to everyone involved in another enjoyable afternoon of bowls. I look forward to seeing you on our Open Day next Saturday (29 April)

Jef Cawdell