On a warm but rather overcast afternoon we hosted Buckingham West End for a friendly match consisting of 5 Triples. The BWE team included their Captain John Nash as well as President Geoff Higgins and Chairman Joelle Jones.

With showers an ever present threat we started the game more in hope than expectation of completing it.. At the half time tea break Winslow held a narrow 7 shot lead but we all know what happens after the break!

A couple of Winslow rinks managed to hold their leads but one of the BWE rinks was clearly rejuvenated by their refreshments and only lost 1 of the subsequent 9 ends gaining an impressive and ultimately match changing win. Congratulations to Eric, Joelle and John B for achieving this turn around.

Although there were a few drops of rain towards the end of the match we managed to complete it without any unexpected interruptions.

The final score was 78:88 to BWE with Winslow winning on 2 of the 5 rinks. Our highest winning rink was Sheila C, John J and John G (who also won the Spider competition) winning by a solid 8 shots but Roger S, Rosie and Len were not far behind with a 6 shot win.

This match was an opportunity for Diana to make her Winslow debut. I hope that she enjoyed her first game and will represent us on many more occasions.

On this subject I would encourage all members that have not represented the club before to consider doing so. Our weekend matches are friendly games playing in a great spirit and often one of the teams has someone playing for the first time, it's a great opportunity to have some fun playing against another club.

 I would like to thank Stan for being on standby as our reserve. He was not needed on this occasion but is now guaranteed a game next time he puts his name down. Thanks to John J for running the bar, Pat, Len, Sarah, Rosie and Victor for preparing the refreshments and to all those to turned up early to help set up the green. Thanks also to our green keeping team for all their hard work over the last month getting the green ready for us. I think it is looking in very good shape for this time in the season and I expect it will be a good surface for us to bowl on this summer.

Finally thanks to all those who turned up to support us. At one point we amassed a crowd of 5 people (not including the many members of the public that stopped to watch as they walked through the park)! Thanks and well done to everyone involved in another enjoyable afternoon of bowls

Jef Cawdell, Captain