“Aussie Rules” Saturday 13th July

On Saturday the club held an internal “Aussie Rules” pairs competition. It received a great response with 26 members taking part.

The intention was to give players the opportunity to experience competition and undertake lead and skip positions. It was a shift from the normal format usually played but after a couple of ends, a lot of discussion and amusement everyone understood what was happening (I think).

Each player played five matches of three ends each match with a different partner.
Individual scores were kept and totalled up at the end.
Four players tied for third place, Diane Lawrence was second with the winner being Colin Bishopp who is now the proud owner of the “Aussie Rules” upside down trophy kindly made and donated by Cliff Geary.

It was pleasing to see everyone getting on and encouraging one another and offer
help when required. Many members commented on how much they enjoyed the day and are keen to enjoy another “Aussie Rules” in the future.


08:23, 16 Jul 2024 by John THOROGOOD

There’s still an opportunity to support the club while enjoying a bit of fun and the chance to win a worthwhile cash prize.

A one-off payment of £12 gets you a number. That number (you keep it for the year) is entered into the monthly draw for each of the next 12 months, so your £12 buys you 12 chances of winning a prize.

There will be a first prize of £25, a second prize of £10 and a third prize of £5 each month. Win or lose, you will be supporting your club.

The first draw will take place at the social event on 28th June, so the last day for buying a number will be 27th June. Don’t miss your chance – you can’t join part-way through the year.

You can get an application form from Roger Shelton (secretary.winslowbc@gmail.com) or John Gilbey (johnwgilbey@gmail.com) at the club or by email, you can simply send either one of them an email, or you can make a payment to the club’s account, just put 100 Club as the reference.

18:58, 06 Jun 2024 by John THOROGOOD
Social event in conjunction with Winslow Lions commencing 5.30pm
Last year we had a successful evening with the local "Lions" and we have been requested by them to hold this again.
This will be a bowls match commencing at 5.30pm and all members are asked to use the "Rink Diary" to put their names forward to play.
The match will be followed by a Fish and Chip Supper for £12. Following this a further gameshow Quiz will be held and if time permits a few games of bingo.
If you do not wish to play or you are a non playing member please come along and support the club but let Victor know at victorgriffiths45@icloud.com
We already have a number of new ideas for Social events for the future including a BBQ and a Curry Evening, further details will follow.
Any query please feel free to contact John G, Victor or Roger Shelton
08:26, 22 May 2024 by John THOROGOOD


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