2023 Open Day - Visitors under instruction
Rainbow over the Green

What's available at Winslow Bowls Club

Learn how to play bowls or how to improve your game

  •  WBC has 5 qualified coaches who are ready give help and advice.
  • We hold regular weekly 'roll-up' sessions where members just come along to practice and to play. Coaches and other Club members will be happy to guide and advise you.
  • The best way to learn lawn bowls is by playing it. Once you understand the basic rules of lawn bowls you can get out into the green and learn the rest as you go!
  • There are many training videos, some helpful, but many are loaded with advertising.

Play competitive matches against other bowling clubs 

  • We will play over 70 competitive matches in this year. Over 40 of these will be in the Ray Keen League.

Take part in the special bowling events and social activities  

  • Green Opening Day. At the beginning of each season Members are invited to play for the first time in the new season.
    • This often takes the form of a competition between the 'Presidents team and the 'Captains team'.
    • Members wishing to play are selected for each team and assigned into pairs or triples to compete with the opposing team.
  • Winslow Bowls Club Open day, An annual event,
    • Winslow Bowls Club invites members of the general public to see, enjoy and participate in the sport of bowls.
    • Qualified bowling coaches and other club members will be on hand to advise and encourage visitors to participate in the sport.
  • Presidents Day. This is a special club competition for members of the Club.
    • Usually in the form of a 'Spoon Drive', an interactive competition organised so that members play with and against other members of the club.
  • Spider. This is a one bowl competition where a jack, in this case a model spider, is placed at the centre of the green. 
    • All participants take a position at the edges of the green and, upon an agreed signal, deliver a bowl towards the spider. The winner of the competition is the bowler who manages to place his bowl nearer to the spider than any other bowler.
    • It is quite common to host this fun event before starting a Club competitions
  • At various times of the year the Club will host Quiz events and various other social gatherings.