This year’s Spring Meeting will be held on Saturday 6 th April at 6.30 for 7.00 pm and will incorporate our monthly social evening and members family and friends are welcome.
- Darts will feature at 7.00pm – sign up on the night £2 per entry.
- At the same time as the darts in order to keep all those present occupied a Tabletop quiz with some dingbats will be held entry fee £1 per head.
- Supper in the format of Fish and Chips £10 or Sausage and Chips £5.50 will be available.
- After supper Hoy Bingo will be played at £1 per person per game.
- The Bar will of course be open.
Those wishing to take part should provide the Club Secretary with the names of all those attending, by 31 st March. Please specify your requirements for supper (payment in advance will be required). If you have not already done so, you may take this opportunity to pay your membership fee.
See recent e-mail from John Gilbey for payment details.
13:15, 20 Mar 2024
by John Thorogood