It was a lovely warm and sunny afternoon. The green played rather variably which made for some exciting games with many changes of fortune as the ends progressed.
On rink 5 Valerie, Robin/Randell and Cliff led by 13 shots to 11 after end 15 but lost by 13 shots to 19.
On rink 1 Norman, Kate and Colin were 7 shots to 13 down after 12 ends but came back to win by 18 shots to 14.
On rink 3 Pete, Roger S and Captain John were down by 5 shots to 16 after 10 ends but fought back to win by 20 shots to 19.
Our winning rink however was rink 4 where Rosie, John Thorogood and John Gomersall won by 18 shots to 12.
However when all the ends were added up the result was a win by Wing by 81 shots to 80.