The weather forecast for this game was predicting a 50% chance of rain for the whole afternoon, but for the first 90 minutes we enjoyed periods of warm sunshine. The Winslow teams were playing well and establishing a good shots lead, but then came the rain. Luckily it was a short shower and play resumed after 15 minutes.

After the break Cheddington started to recover some of the earlier shot defecit but we were still able to win on 4 rinks, Cheddington winning on the 5th rink. Our most successful rink was Roger Hayman, Rosie Griffiths with Skip John Gomersall.

The final score was Winslow 96, Cheddington 57. The friendly atmosphere on all rinks was enjoyed by both teams.

Our thanks to Roger Shelton who provided some splendid home made cakes and tho John Jeacock for running the bar and raffle.

2024 Cheddington - 1
2024 Cheddington - 2
2024 Cheddington - 3
2024 Cheddington - 4