The start of the Short Mat season is approaching.

The anticipated first rollup will be held Monday 16th September ’24 and each subsequent Monday evening, (excepting away match nights) starting at 7pm. All are welcome.

For those who are new to Short Mat and would like to “give it a go” it is intended that Tuesdays prior to the start of October fixtures (17th Sept, 24th Sept & 1st Oct) be used to accommodate those with an initial interest. This will help to give everyone more time on the mats.

I look forward to meeting up at our first roll ups

Kind regards

Mary Arnold


Short Mat  

14:07, Saturday by John THOROGOOD

We play the sport for enjoyment, for the pleasure of pitting our skills against others in friendly competition.  Our sport has a long standing tradition for its common courtesy and etiquette and Winslow Bowls Club expects all members to be aware of and uphold these standards.

Hopefully this guidance will be useful for newcomers to the sport and also to experienced bowlers so that we may improve the experience of playing bowls and representing our club in the wider bowling community.

The documents, now available on line and also displayed on the club noticeboards, contain more details on the following themes:

  • Duties and expectations: All players have a responsibility to maintain the highest standards and to contribute to make the game enjoyable for themselves and others.
  • Dress code: Winslow Bowls club expects that all players respect the dress code.
  • My responsibilities: Please be aware of the responsibilities relevant for your playing position.
  • Etiquette for members playing outdoor bowls: Bowling Etiquette is about good sportsmanship, common sense and good manners.

To view the documents follow the links

15:46, 08 Aug 2024 by John THOROGOOD

“Aussie Rules” Saturday 13th July

On Saturday the club held an internal “Aussie Rules” pairs competition. It received a great response with 26 members taking part.

The intention was to give players the opportunity to experience competition and undertake lead and skip positions. It was a shift from the normal format usually played but after a couple of ends, a lot of discussion and amusement everyone understood what was happening (I think).

Each player played five matches of three ends each match with a different partner.
Individual scores were kept and totalled up at the end.
Four players tied for third place, Diane Lawrence was second with the winner being Colin Bishopp who is now the proud owner of the “Aussie Rules” upside down trophy kindly made and donated by Cliff Geary.

It was pleasing to see everyone getting on and encouraging one another and offer
help when required. Many members commented on how much they enjoyed the day and are keen to enjoy another “Aussie Rules” in the future.


08:23, 16 Jul 2024 by John THOROGOOD


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